The Adamstown Elementary Library promotes an open door policy in which students and staff are invited to utilize library resources at any time during the school day. Students are encouraged to exchange books as needed, or wanted, without waiting for their regularly scheduled library class.
During each 4-day cycle, every Adamstown Elementary classroom is scheduled for a 45-minute class period in the library for instruction in information literacy, literature appreciation, and computer skills. Skills include use of the online catalog, print and digital reference materials, a research process, care and use of computers and iPads, keyboarding, Internet searching and web site evaluation, digital citizenship, and computer and iPad applications.
Students also borrow materials from the library, with most items circulating for one cycle. The number of items a child may borrow at one time depends upon the grade level of the child. Books can be renewed as needed.
Adamstown Elementary Library subscribes to online databases including PebbleGo, CultureGrams, Fact Cite, and World Book Online.
Through the Access PA program, books and magazine articles may be borrowed by teachers and students from other libraries throughout Pennsylvania. Access PA POWER Library provides the following online subscriptions services:
- AP Images
- CyberSmarts online safety ebooks
- Book Flix
- EBSCO ebooks
- Kids InfoBits
- True Flix
The following guidelines are deemed helpful toward the development of a good library citizen:
- Clean hands are necessary in handling books, computers, and iPads.
- Children should be encouraged to return books on time. Fines are not charged for late materials, but other students may be waiting for books kept beyond their due dates.
- In the home setting, a safe place should be provided for each child to keep his or her books. This place should be beyond the reach of pets and very young children.
- Students are responsible for keeping track of all items borrowed. Parents will be billed for any items that are damaged beyond repair or lost. Please do not try to repair books at home. The librarian has special mending materials to handle this situation.